I'm confused
Okay, I got this OV-15 back in November (along with another B2255 and OVZ) and it was in storage at my Dad's place, since the weather is getting nice (it was in his garage) I decided to open it up (first time I've done so since I took it off an arm at 9PM in a snow storm) anyways I opened it and found a 250 watt lamp, then I looked at the ballast which looked too small, it was, this is a 150 watt fixture that had a 250 watt lamp stuck in it, strange but not too strange, then I looked at the label inside ...
Edit/Update: I tested the light and all the lamp did was flicker a bit and then glow blue Not to mention I can't get it out of the socket either
Try tightning the lamp (scratch off a bit on the contacts because it also sounds like a loose connection between the lamp and connection...sometimes with HPS...you have to twist the lamp back and forth to make a better connection...
Because the problem started when you switched sockets, it leads to the socket issue! Maybe backwards connection to the socket, or maybe socket is too dirty (that does happen when socket is dirty) Maybe faulty lamp...
I suggest try tighting the lamp, lift the center of the socket up higher, clean the socket, try another lamp before doing the ignitor replacement...
This is a complex thing.....HPS are complicated stuff LOL