Cooper OVW Full cutt off
here is a inertestng Junking find of last weekend in San Antonio Texas. It basically a FCO version of OV25. I even have the orginal boxes for them, and Finding them is very lucky for me. since i found 3 fixtures on the curb in front of some one house.
You can see one of those in service in Texas taken by Form109 see right here
I like these better as light distrubution is better on the roadway, also for HPS non FCO tend to be glare bomb anyway. so my state also install FCO OVX also.
I wouldn't mind having one of these. Even though I just got rid of many of my streetlights so my collection has been cut down tremendously.
I still have lots of lights though, but way less now, and I kept the ones I really really wanted to keep though.
Just this new house doesn't have as much room as our old house did so my parents wanted to get rid of lots of them.