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Home > User galleries > joe_347V > Commerical Lighting
400w MV Drop Dish Lights
These light the canopy of a convenience store. They're 400w MV which seems to be too high wattage for the diffusers since all of them were either cracked or had a melted spot in the centre.
Keywords: Misc_Fixtures

400w MV Drop Dish Lights

These light the canopy of a convenience store. They're 400w MV which seems to be too high wattage for the diffusers since all of them were either cracked or had a melted spot in the centre.

20171113_210632.jpg 20171013_195331_M.jpg 20171020_211440.jpg IMG_20160312_143117.jpg IMG_20160312_142129.jpg
File information
Album name:joe_347V / Commerical Lighting
Lamp Type:Mercury vapour
Filesize:249 KiB
Date added:Apr 15, 2018
Dimensions:1920 x 1080 pixels
Displayed:233 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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streetlight98   [Apr 15, 2018 at 04:37 PM]
Wow 400W MV canopy lights? Shocked Normally I'd expect 175W MV lol. With new lamps this storefront must've been super bright! I love the glary hack-job retrofits on those troffers too. Rolling Eyes Laughing
ZarlogH46   [Apr 15, 2018 at 06:54 PM]
Nice waste of energy there. Rolling Eyes
joe_347V   [Apr 16, 2018 at 05:44 AM]
The lamps looked way too big for BT/ED-28 so I think they're 400w. Yeah 175w MV is more than enough for this too imo, I'm not sure why people take the diffusers off when they retro from 4 lamp to 2 lamp. Makes the lights look odd and glary. Rolling Eyes

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