I decided to get a photo of the OVF's on the raised arms where m@ took a photo of the 2 OVY's. The poles are MTO and the last MTO polefabs installed here(excluding MTO highway on/off ramps)
The polefab round poles are common standard for MTO, but these days only on MTO signal poles. These were actually installed by the region widening the road after it assumed the road from MTO. The poles up before these were installed in 2005 were hexagonal MTO poles. The region did the opposite here, using octagonal poles for signals and round for streetlights. This road has been notorious for replacing setups due to neverending road upgrades. See Here.
The power company relocated all the lines at Dixie, far enough for any future widening projects, and now I guess the region has to initiate this project not Brampton.
So they are definitely putting in high median poles at intersections where there's no room to put high poles on the streetsides . The poles are all ocogonal steel instead of the recently common round aluminum. Not sure why. Oddly, enough, the median poles at Humberwest are not part of this project but actually the Humberwest extension project, and they are aluminum and with AEL 125 FCO's! Even more oddly enough, the same electrical contractor is doing both projects!
Lake Louise Drive has a bunch. McLaughlin has one. A new signal set at Trinity Common sprung up with two. Civic Hospital Has one. I have been following this project closely. I don't know if the AEL's have the new orangey NEMA tag, they seem to not half the time.
I found it interesting that they used the Toronto style highrise arms and Polefabs during the widening.
I like these poles and arms, I wish they'd use them more
See Here.
So they are definitely putting in high median poles at intersections where there's no room to put high poles on the streetsides . The poles are all ocogonal steel instead of the recently common round aluminum. Not sure why. Oddly, enough, the median poles at Humberwest are not part of this project but actually the Humberwest extension project, and they are aluminum and with AEL 125 FCO's! Even more oddly enough, the same electrical contractor is doing both projects!