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Mobile Site Photo Gallery


It seems to me that when I use my phone to use the mobile site that only the forum loads, not the picture gallery. Can someone please fix this problem.

We have a mobile version of GOL? i have not seen/used it
I use my phone usually,  but seems to be good, maybe that's because i have a 5.3 in screen lol

I have an old phone, one that has limited features though

Jace the Gull:
Best bet to look at the GoL AND to take pics AND upload from the mobile is to get a form of a Android based phone....

The iPhone issues is the fact that GoL upload uses flash, and iPhone and iPod does not support flash, although there is one app in the iPhone/iPod/iPad that actually a browser with flash, and I did some tests, the problem with this is that I was unable to find or access files from the device.

I plan to look into it in the future though...

If I remember correctly upgrading to iOS 6 would enable the upload feature as Apple recently added in uploading to their browser. There's also a hack for older iOS versions if you jailbreak to add in the upload feature but it costs around $3.

If you're willing to make some modifications to the gallery, I guess you could also reconfigure the gallery to accept uploads from an external app like this. 


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