Gallery of Lights

Lamps => Vintage => Topic started by: bryantm3 on June 03, 2012, 02:57:22 AM

Title: what type of streetlight is this?
Post by: bryantm3 on June 03, 2012, 02:57:22 AM
i've mostly seen them at old gas stations, but i assume they were used as streetlights at one point— since i don't have a picture here's an illustration:


i'm pretty sure they use fluorescent bulbs, and the "wings" are v-shaped, with a fluorescent bulb on both undersides of the V, meaning the fixture above would have four bulbs.
Title: Re: what type of streetlight is this?
Post by: Mike on June 03, 2012, 01:40:21 PM
Yep these are fluorescent lights. Some places here (mostly car repair shops though not gas stations) have fluorescent lights like these in the parking lot, but I've never seen one that works. some palces used them for street lighting like in California and Ontario I believe, but here it never really caught on since they were too bulky.
Title: Re: what type of streetlight is this?
Post by: bryantm3 on June 04, 2012, 12:31:59 AM
so you wouldn't know the model who produced them, when they were made, etc?
Title: Re: what type of streetlight is this?
Post by: Jace the Gull on June 04, 2012, 10:40:51 AM
Yes they have used fluorescent lights in public roads as streetlights, there were many different ones actually...such as the G.E. 206S Fluorescent Street Lights, and those Westinghouse Whiteways  ( which were used in New York City

There were places like Chicago had fluorescent lights which was installed in 1958 which can be seen  here  (    

A lot of those fluros are gone.....but there's some that remains and in service..... I have seen a good number still in service and working, but often they are out.....

For identifying fluoros, an actual picture will be the best, and often those fluorescent fixtures often have brand name on the end of the fixtures (front side) which may give a lead....
Title: Re: what type of streetlight is this?
Post by: rjluna2 on June 04, 2012, 11:06:38 AM
Hi bryantm3, welcome to the Gallery of Lights :)

The one you have seen such at the gas station, I have seen them mostly at the gas station.  Here is one I have it posted at Gas Station Fluorescent Fixture (, but it is now long gone. :(

These are 8 footer VHO bulbs and mostly they are fitted with PowerGroove bulbs.  Does that answer your question?
Title: Re: what type of streetlight is this?
Post by: bryantm3 on June 04, 2012, 07:53:35 PM
Hi bryantm3, welcome to the Gallery of Lights :)

The one you have seen such at the gas station, I have seen them mostly at the gas station.  Here is one I have it posted at Gas Station Fluorescent Fixture (, but it is now long gone. :(

These are 8 footer VHO bulbs and mostly they are fitted with PowerGroove bulbs.  Does that answer your question?

i've always thought these were some of the most unique streetlights. does anyone know, i mean this is kind of vague since i'm not talking about one in particular— if i found one of these fixtures at an abandoned gas station and got it from them, if it hasn't been lit in years would it even be possible to restore?

thanks for the quick responses guys!

Title: Re: what type of streetlight is this?
Post by: Jace the Gull on June 04, 2012, 08:01:32 PM
yep possible! Very possible to restore them! In fact they could still be working! I know a few around my area....some out some works....I will find the one you described and take a pic and tell you more if I can....just give me time...
Title: Re: what type of streetlight is this?
Post by: joe_347V on June 05, 2012, 01:46:26 PM
While i haven't seen the V-shaped type in service here, here's a couple of pics I took of ones still in use in Ontario:
These light a country road but some have since failed and have been replaced with HPS lights.


I'm not sure who made the one is the first pic but the ones in the bottom pic were made by a Canadian company called Powerlite in the 1960s.

Oh and it's definitely possible to restore them, in fact they still make the HO/VHO ballasts and lamps that they use and the sockets for them are still made too.