Lamps > Modern

LED Panel Lamps


I found a vintage Receiver in the trash and I want to replace the incandescent lamps with LED replacements
There are six lamps five clear @ 6.3VAC and one Red @ 6VAC
Any one know where to get a these?
All I can find is 12VDC for cars/Trucks
I need a 6VAC lamp with an MES (Miniature Edison Screw E10)Base


Hmm. Nice find you got there. I'm not sure, but maybe a Radio Shack might have what you need.

Wow nice receiver!

I would ask around at place that sell electronic components instead or look online since I find Radio Shack's (or the Source here in Canada) selection to be quite limited.

Jace the Gull:
I too have a 70s receiver actually a Quadraphonic (sp?) and it has 3 fuse type (in exact same shape and design) lightbulbs! If you were in MD, this would be a perfect place to go to!

Steve took me there...oh man! AWESOME place, has a lot of bulbs those little low voltage bulbs...the most selection I've ever seen in one store!


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