The Site > Bug Reports

Site Down/Problems Connecting

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Anyone have trouble going on here around the evening. I did for some reason, I got a 500 server not available and a cannot connect error message a few times today.

same here! it's only at night too. I get the same 505 message. I thought it was google chrome though since the site came up in internet explorer. BTW, when was your GOL icon added to the address bar? It didn't show up on IE, i've only seen it since i've started to use Chrome.

Hmm, I first thought it was my internet having problems but then I tried using my phone which also had problems. I think the logo's  been up for over a year now. I remember it showing up shortly after I uploaded mine in the gallery. Strange that it dosen't show up in IE though.

I've noticed this too...don't remember the exact time of evening but last night I got a weird server error...I just figured somebody like Jace or Joe (one of the admins) had the site down for maintenance work or something...I was able to get back on later and it's not a huge issue for me if I can only get on certain times of the day or night...I have a non-internet/lighting life anyway LOL...
And another time in the past few days I coudn't get on but Google Chrome apparently couldn't find the site...again I figured the site was down for maintenance.

Hmm i got the error again today, sometime between 2:30 PM today and the past half hour...


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