Obtaining Fixtures > Fixtures or Lamps for sale

Finds of eBay


Some more stuff of interest on eBay:

100w Sylvania merc
Interestingly, the seller calls it a BT-25 bulb. :P

400w Westy merc
Mislabeled as a HPS bulb. :P

GE M-400A2
400w HPS, has older style NEMA tag.

Toshiba LED streetlight
Didn't know that Toshiba made streetlights. :o

80s? ITT 175w yardlight
Is the newer yardlight style instead of the older NEMA head style but still has a nice vintage merc.

Remote ballasted OV-10

Old Sola 400w merc ballast
I wonder how old is this ballast, 400w mercs haven't used the H-1 ballast code for years.

Nice stuff! toobad I'm broke right now lol (well not literally but i can't spend the money i have right now since I'm saving up for a car after i finish driver's ed. plus i have money to ship darren's boxes this week and money set aside to replace the light pole outside.)

Some nice stuff, but the pricing is always high for used & vintage lighting. And for me, sometimes the awfull pics are a big turn off.


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