The Site > Your Opinion

A weekly or monthly comic for the website?

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--- Quote from: Vince --- and depending how fast I work and how many comics I'm making at the same time, it could range from two issues per week to one per month.

So, tell me guys your ideas and what do you think of this!  ;D

--- End quote ---
Maybe if its once a month you could do something holiday-ish...
Like in november something with stove/oven light(s) where the turkey is cooking
December...well there's plenty of little xmas lights around LOL
July...maybe streetlights watching fireworks?
(Obviously don't know your beliefs/where you live since holidays do vary)

Sorry to hear about your parents divorce
Glad you are able to keep your lights collection though

Comic is good ( my drawing skills barely stay inside the lines in crayon................) and will be interesting to see Vince the Light at work.

Well here's a sort of idea I'm working on in my head at the moment:

The story could be about a certain group of lamps collecting dust in the dark corner of a century old house's basement. The comic would tell little anecdotes about them related to their life of NOS, unused lamps. With all the sorts of lamps existing, it's a virtually infinite source of inspiration! I just need some ideas for the main characters LOL.

However my situation is pretty unstable at the moment (need a job and I may move at any moment) so I'll have to wait before starting the comic, but it shouldn't take forever...


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