Lanterns/Fixtures > Traffic Lights

Most unusual/crazy traffic signal arrangement?


I've been Street Viewing traffic signals across North America a lot recently, and someone mentioned that in New Brunswick and Quebec there are 6 section traffic signals.  Intrigued I looked around New Brunswick, and found the most bizarre setup I've ever seen.,-64.7501934,3a,67.4y,298.53h,88.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sy8Z_8q_6DAeiEZNyEo2GTw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

The vertical 5 section on the left side of the northbound road (Acadie Ave) has not one but TWO bi-modal arrows (pointing up and left) underneath a standard ball red and yellow, with the 5th signal head being a red left arrow.  Then there's the 6 section on the other side of Acadie Ave. From the left: Red left arrow, bi-modal left arrow, red ball, yellow ball, green up arrow, red ball.

I've some across from pretty strange and outlandish signals before but I think these two take the cake for me.


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