12-8-8 Eagle Flatback With Advanced Green
Here's a Eagle 12-8-8 flatback mounted on a truss arm, this one has the the old flashing green interval and also has the harder to find "Advanced Green When Flashing" sign attached to the mast arm. Oddly the ones in this intersection flashed at a slower rate than standard since this one flashes at the same rate as the ped signals, regular flashing greens flashed 2.5 times faster than peds.
The flashing green here was used to indicate a protected left and through phase here in Ontario and is also known as a "Advanced Green". They're being phased out here with steady green arrows because of concerns that visitors unfamiliar with it are confused by this signal but you can still find these in use at some small intersections.
Here's a short video showing the flashing green ball in action:
The sequence is Red -> Flashing Green -> Steady Green -> Amber -> Red
and for the opposing side Red -> one sec after the other side has a steady green -> Steady Green -> Amber -> Red
Some municipalities decided to combine the idea of a flashing green ball with the green arrow and use a flashing green arrow to indicate a protected left turn.
-----[20 Jan 2012 at 15:47]-----
Added a video of a flashing green signal in action.
I believe the flashing green arrows are only used in Waterloo region though, the sequence is the same as your typical left turn arrow but they flashed the green arrow indication at the same speed as the flashing green in the video.