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LightSpeed 2046B-RT Rapid Start Ballast in my CH-30 Reptile Fixture
This is in the fixture I bought at a thrift store not knowing what it was for at the time (I thought it was a multi purpose shop light)
Anyway is the F20T12 lamp that it takes an easy to find lamp or is it a special purpose lamp?
Keywords: Gear

LightSpeed 2046B-RT Rapid Start Ballast in my CH-30 Reptile Fixture

This is in the fixture I bought at a thrift store not knowing what it was for at the time (I thought it was a multi purpose shop light)
Anyway is the F20T12 lamp that it takes an easy to find lamp or is it a special purpose lamp?

MixCollage-18-Oct-2024-08-27-PM-1905.jpg SL6C.jpg 4~2.jpg DSC06688_Flexillume_Fluorescent_Wrap.JPG DSC06315_Peerless_4ft_Industrial_Reflector_Fixtures.JPG
File information
Album name:LampLover84 / My Lamp Stuff
Company and Date Manufactured:LightSpeed
Model Number:2046B-RT
Filesize:87 KiB
Date added:Jun 16, 2014
Dimensions:1271 x 612 pixels
Displayed:120 times
Color Space:sRGB
DateTime Original:2014:06:15 22:34:06
Exposure Bias:0 EV
Exposure Mode:0
Exposure Time:1/60 sec
Flash:Red Eye, Auto-Mode
Focal length:5.8 mm
Max Aperture:f/2.6
Model:Canon PowerShot A550
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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rapidstart_12   [Dec 28, 2023 at 11:55 PM]
Interesting how it can acceot such a wide range of lamp wattages. Is this some kind of electronic ballast? The F20T12 is a standard lamp, you should be able to find it easily.
dor123   [Dec 30, 2023 at 08:11 AM]
Looks like the F20T12 and the F15T8 would burn at full brightness while the F40T12 and the F34T12 would be underdriven, and so are not suitable for this ballast.
The American fluorescent ballasts, tends to accept also lamps that won't work correctly on them. a F40T12 ballast for example isn't suitable for F20T12 and F15T8, and such is the opposite.
dor123   [Jan 01, 2024 at 12:43 PM]
It also seems to me that the "HPF", "NPF" and "LPF", are essentially BS... HPF have high ballast factor, and NPF and LPS have low ballast factor. All of them have low power factor if the PFC capacitor isn't there, or high, if the PFC capacitor is there.
rapidstart_12   [Sep 10, 2024 at 03:23 AM]
@dor123: HPF stands for high power factor. All HPF ballasts have a PFC capacitor. NPF stands normal power factor and LPF stands for low power factor. NPF and LPF ballasts do not have a PFC capacitor. Ballast factor is a seperate concept, it just so happens that a lot of NPF/LPF ballasts also have a low ballast factor.

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