The 230 kV culprit of why I am interested in power lines.
This is the circuit that went behind the first house I ever remember living in, in Aurora. These went RIGHT behind our house. This is not the same area where the house I lived was, but the towers (or poles) that were right behind our house when we used to live in Aurora looked exactly like this one. Just a short area of this circuit are on old wooden poles like this, but the rest are all on hollow towers with polymer insulators. But that house was in the area they were still on these wooden poles.
These are 230 kV, and I know this for a FACT, because I was told by a lineman that works on transmission power lines in the Denver area that THIS SPECIFIC CIRCUIT was 230 kV. So don't argue that these would be 115 kV because of the 8 disc insulators. The brackets are fiberglass and fiberglass is an insulator. As explained in the other ones.
I dunno why they decided to do something like this, even if it wasn't the best idea they did it anyway. So if you guys want to argue just remember that a guy that worked on these power lines told me the voltage of these. (Judging by your reactions on that other picture from long ago)