The Site > General discussion

Well its official. FM 2920 is now LED.


Well, since today, I saw crews working on replacing the traffic lighting and the intersection lighting, and I didn't ask because before they had police there, and I didn't want to get in trouble. And my parents wouldn't let me have the HPS streetlights that they're taking down. I was tempted to ask a crew member to have two or one of the HPS streetlights, but since they're police, I didn't bother, so I'm disappointed that I didn't get any. And after the installation, (and I did seen these new LEDs at night) they failed! lol   At least some of them! lol   :8)

So they probably do this at weekends, when theres no or hardly ever traffic on the main roadways. So they still have the HPS fixtures in the downtown Tomball area. I may have a second chance on probably getting a Cooper OVW, or an AEL 115. Now why the AEL 115? Because it has a leveler on the bottom, so I may get two or one. So I'll have to see. And if I do, you'll see the pics on LG, and GoL.  :)


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