The Site > General discussion

Response to a post on LG entitled "Stop LED Street Lights"

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I want to first start this off by very clearly proclaiming that I am not a fan of LED street lights. While they do use less energy than HID street lights, they're also more expensive than HID street lights and many of them do not provide as much candlelight power as high pressure sodium street lights and if anything goes wrong with an LED street light, you'll have to replace the whole fixture. Another problem I have with LED street lights with the exception of American Electric's Autobahn ATBS is that LED street lights only light one spot, not the surrounding area. The lights are very hideous as well. So that's why I'm not a fan of LED street lights. Sadly, a lot of municipalities are doing away with their HID street lights and there's nothing we can do about it. Making a petition to stop them is a waste of time. Municipalities do the choosing. I also don't like how the LED fan boys on LG are trying to force their opinions on everyone. Okay I get your point, you don't like HID street lights and you only like LED street lights. Why do have to be in your face about it? Shut up already.

Yeah I saw that also :(
I wish member "WattMaster" would go away along with "FGS"

I wish RyanF40T12 would go away as well. He's a real jerk who insults and degrades anyone who has a viewpoint that averts from his. Sorry, but LED's have their fair share of cons as well and that's something that he doesn't want to admit.

I saw that post too.
I'm not a big fan of LED streetlights, but they are what the are & they're here to stay.
Some of the guys there go a bit overboard with the anti-LED thing..

I wish  member 'Max' would go away.


--- Quote from: LampLover84 on September 23, 2017, 10:24:35 PM ---Yeah I saw that also :(
I wish member "WattMaster" would go away

--- End quote ---
He is one of the younger members, and I was like him at one point too. Even looking at some of my past posts I am like "Dang, you dumb boi." :P In all seriousness, why though? It's not like he is pushing LEDs unlike some members.


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