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Looking for vintage metal-halide lamps with Thallium Indium

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It's a long shot, but it's the only place to ask for something like this (here & maybe lighting-gallery.net).

I need a metal-halide lamp of any wattage with the old Thallium-Indium-Sodium formulation instead of the typical Scandium-Mercury-Sodium. Made from about 1960 to 1980? Purpose is to accurately record their unique spectrum.

I actually saw a pair of flood lights on ground lighting a company's sign. Identified & photographed on film, with a grating, circa 1990.

Any advice on how to search on ebay also appreciated.

Hmm wow i didn't know MH was around in the 60s. My 1977 GE street light catalog lists the M-400A and M-1000 available with 400W and 1000W MH, respectively, but i don't think MH really ever caught on until the 90s when it started appearing in parking lots and indoor applications like gymnasiums and warehouses. The oldest MH lamps I have is a lot of three Sylvanias from 2000. :-\

Yes, didn't catch-on until the 1990's because they were extrememly expensive.

The success of early Television broadcasts of night sport events (late 1960's) was due to the better color charactestics of metal-halide lamps.

It's remarkable how lighting technology has progressed. Virtually all major ballpark lights from about the mid 1960's were metal-halides. And some had unusual formulations such as tin-iodide with mercury and sodium.

Here's a GE brochure from 1980 that included some I-Line retrofit lamps - MV to MH.


2000W lamp with Indium. A Czechoslavakian Tesla lamp:



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