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TGDaily - Americans 'clueless' on energy saving


Here is an article on how American are clueless on energy saving.  Note that there is a picture of Halogen encapsuled A19 Bulb...

Americans 'clueless' on energy saving

I'm sure the people who wrote this article are the ones who are clueless, lighting shouldn't even be an issue. Those people need a life and need to quit worrying about what kind of lights people use. If it's not affecting them then they don't need to get involved by trying to shove unreliable light sources down our throats.

Most people are at best vague as to how much power various things use, or how you can save money without sacrificing your lifestyle, by making a few changes, and being more attentive.

Having cheap power does not encourage saving, having to pay a high price tends to focus you on saving techniques, like insulation and simple lifestyle changes (why turn AC down to walk-in-fridge-mode when you just need to cool the area by 5 degrees) which have a fast payback time.

How many people know that the biggest users of power are for water heating, cooking and aircons, almost all other uses are much smaller in total. Thus the thought that 5 CFL lights are going to cut bills by 50% or more.

You might save 50% of your electric bill, but only if you use electricity only for lighting, what is the case here (no AC, space heat, hot water and cocking is on gas).
But then the total electric bill is so low, then i doubt it make too much sense to worry about. Mainly beside of the gas bill...


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