Lanterns/Fixtures > Traffic Lights

Traffic Signal Controller Logbook


Heres some pages out of the logbook I put together for my basement collection. I wrote out all my programming on the logs given to me by Eagle. This is how signals are logged at real-life intersections too.

Page 1: Basic Timing
This page is general timing plans for vehicle and pedestrian phases. Theres the programming I have implemented for extended vehicle control, pedestrian control, and volume density control. Also I documented the access code for my controller. Which is set by me and acts as a log-in password.

Page 2: Initialization, Recalls, and Vehicle Detectors
This page is for the initialization routines for the phases active, what is connected to a detector and what is pre-timed, and advanced control options for vehicle detectors.

Page 3: Pedestrian Detector
All I use on this page is the pedestrian detector area for the programs to operate the pedestrian detector.

Page 4: Startup Routines, Remote Flash, and General Overlap
This page documents how my controller operates at power up, following 60 seconds of flashing. I have used but eliminated remote flash (used for overnight flash mode) from my setup. I also have one overlap indicated by the "1"

Page 5: Overlap Standard and Overlap Special
These two charts indicate the overlap used, and the speciallized overlap used for the Flashing Yellow Arrow signal. The overlap controls the red arrow, yellow arrow, and flashing yellow arrow only. The green arrow is on phase 1.

Page 6: Coordination
These are the coordination programs for my collection. Coordination keeps the signals within a specific cycle time to keep in sync with other nearby intersections. The cycle time (called a dial) is split among phases (called split times)

Page 7: Coordination Continued
The second page of coordination split times. I only use three dial plans. Everything else is crossed out.

Page 8: Time of Day Planning
This page is the scheduling routines for everyday for the collection. Three different coordinated timing plans operate from day to day, with a rush hour plan running from 5PM-6PM nightly.

Page 9: Traffic Responsive Control
This is the most advanced stuff on the controller. Its allows for me to let the controller continuously change the timing based on current traffic demand. Various parameters such as detector calls per hour and the coordination plan to select for the amount of calls can be put in. The controller does the rest and reports the information in a large file.

So yeah, these controllers do a ton of stuff. And they do way more than what I use mine for!

In our traffic signal controllers, it is possible to connect themselves together and timing them to get the drivers a green wave (Ie. all the traffic lights of the junctions/pedestrian crossings on the same roads turns green according to the direction of the drive [The traffic lights in your junction/pedestrian crossing turn green, then the ones in the next junction/pedestrian crossing turns green and so next] in a period of 3-5 secs between traffic lights, based on the distance between them) and so drivers can drive without stopping on a red light (Remember that in Israel, the traffic lights, first turns from red to both red+orange, then green, then, in junctions that allows to drive on more then 60 km/h (37 mph), green light flashes three times in a frequency of 1 flash per sec (1hz?), then orange and then back to red).

That is coordination. Nearly all traffic signals are interconnected with eachother.


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