Lamps > Modern

cities that still use mercury vapour lamps. also, do the new LEDs look like DX?

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Hmm the LEDs in the pictures look more like MH then MV to me...

LED looks more like a clear MH in a FCO light to me. /DX MV has a greenish hue and diffused soft light that LEDs don't have.

IMO LED and clear MH look too glary, but MV and induction have a nice "Moonlight" feeling to them. 
I agree with the Dark Sky's point of view; look at the light pollution above major cities! But still, they shouldn't BAN certain light sources or fixtures.  Just don't make those "Yardblaster" type security lights anymore and replace them with floodlights using the same lamp type- there goes a huge chunk of residential light pollution! Now make all new streetlights FCO- there's another chunk.  Improve glary billboard lighting- there goes even more light pollution! And maybe even turning off some lights late at night? I see some places are doing that already.
Just my opinion...banning MV isn't the answer IMO.

Clear MH with a drop lens ain't that bad actually, it's clear MH with a FCO flat glass that's glary.

I believe DSA already wants to promote cutoff and shielded fixtures but for some reason they still have a anti white light agenda (dosen't like MV, MH and white LED for some reason).

Turning off lights late would be a liability most places would not want to carry. If someone got injured or robbed while the lights were off they would mostly likely sue the city for shutting off the lights early...

well floodlights are just as bad as yardbasters... Light "pollution" doesn't hurt the environment, it's just light shining upwards. If you want to see the stars then don't live in downtown! Simple as that! If you care more about seeing the stars than you do being able to see at night then that's your problem IMO. To me, the whole light pollution thing is a bunch of bull. It's not pollution, its just reflected light off of objects on the ground. If you light an FCO light in your basement and shine it at the ceiling, light will be reflectred off the ceiling and light the floor too. Just like with outdoor lights. Even if you use FCO lights, the sky will still be lit since light reflects off of objects. Just like with the walmarts here. They all use FCO shoboxes but you can see those parking lots from another galaxy because light is reflected off the ground.

glare to the driver is a legit problem unlike the sky being lit at night. So properly controlling lights is a good thing if done for the right reasons. Banning a light source is as pointless as banning bottled water like some Massachusetts towns are doing.


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