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Rhode Island Rte. 37 in need of relamping

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Did you report this yet?

UPDATE: All the lights are working great now! About 10 new lumes thoiugh.....

Hmm I guess the ignitor died from cycling too long so they replaced them

Probably. Some of the lights has the black plactic bases of PC in them too. i guess they didin't want to mess with those...


Well it's been just under three years since these fixtures were fixed and most are still working great! NGrid still hasn't fixed a lot of the ramp lights or the interstate lights, just the ones on the Rte 37 freeway. This is a map of the interchange. The median-mounted trusses that got fixed up in 2011 are from where Oaklawn Ave (Rte 5) is towards the right side of the screen (it runs vertically) to the left until Rte 37 splits just before the end of the freeway (why a 50MPH freeway ends at a traffic signal, I'll never know. Before 2004, the freeway ended at a 1-way stop sign!) The median-mounted trusses are still going great since they were fixed in late 2011 but NGrid STILL hasn't gotten all the ramp lights or the I-295 lights working. I think I need to send RIDOT an email regarding the lights because I keep reporting them out directly to NGrid and I'm not getting any results. >:( :8) Maybe RIDOT can get NGrid into gear, as they're the ones who pay for the lights.

RIDOT is very good with maintaining their lights. The only thing is, RIDOT doesn't number their poles so i can't report them as being burnt out. So I only report RIDOT lights if there's a string out. With NGrid, all the pole have (supposed to have at least) numbers on them. The pole numbers on I-295, for instance, are "295 106", "295 89", etc. Lights on I-95 are "95 14", "95 42", etc. The route number is first followed by the actual pole number. When there is a ramp, the order of the poles follows the ramp to the end and then picks up just after the ramp again. So the last pole before the ramp might be pole "295 81" and the next one after the ramp will be "295 89". Also, one side of the freeway is odd numbers and the other side is evens.


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