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[Gone] Powerlite Fluorescent Streetlights O_o
Came across some old Powerlite Devices fluorescent streetlights, there are three of them out of the two pictured. I'm not sure when were these offered and its model number. I believe these use 6' HO or VHO lamps. Reminds me a lot of the original fluorescent streetlights used on [url=]the Gardiner[/url] 

Anyways here's the closeup:
Click to Enlarge
Keywords: American_Streetlights

[Gone] Powerlite Fluorescent Streetlights O_o

Came across some old Powerlite Devices fluorescent streetlights, there are three of them out of the two pictured. I'm not sure when were these offered and its model number. I believe these use 6' HO or VHO lamps. Reminds me a lot of the original fluorescent streetlights used on the Gardiner

Anyways here's the closeup:

Click to Enlarge

P2064689M.JPG DSCN4236.JPG P1224609.JPG P1224613.JPG P1214577.JPG
File information
Album name:joe_347V / Toronto Area Streetlights
Company and Date Manufactured:Powerlite Devices
Model Number:???
Wattage:2 X 80w?
Lamp Type:HO/VHO Fluorescent
Filesize:167 KiB
Date added:Jan 23, 2012
Dimensions:1200 x 1600 pixels
Displayed:654 times
Color Space:sRGB
DateTime Original:2012:01:22 15:18:48
Exposure Bias:0 EV
Exposure Mode:0
Exposure Program:Program
Exposure Time:1/320 sec
Flash:No Flash
Focal length:12.2 mm
Light Source:Unknown: 0
Make:Olympus Imaging Corp.
Max Aperture:f/3.5
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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Silverliner14B   [Jan 23, 2012 at 02:39 AM]
WOW cool! So these are still in service today? Thats amazing! And wow it sure looks cold up there! Here in California its like 68-75F in the day.
joe_347V   [Jan 23, 2012 at 11:25 PM]
Thanks Dave! And yeah they still work at night although this is actually a parking lot. We had some snow but it wasn't that cold here...probably around -5C/23F yesterday. All the snow melted today since it warmed up to around 5C/41F today and because of the rain.

Now I wonder if this could also be a Powerlite since the design is really similar except the linked light is shorter than this one.
m@   [Mar 04, 2012 at 04:39 AM]
HOLY CRAP, this is Canadian styling design for ya! If an LED fixture looked like this, wouldn't it be graceful Very Happy
joe_347V   [Sep 24, 2012 at 12:20 AM]
Update: these have been replaced with LED Mad lights over the summer. They stick out like a sore thumb on these old poles since the old Powerlite fluorescents had really deep slipfitters though.

-----[07 Mar 2012 at 04:58]-----
Yeah, they're my favourite fluorescent streetlight design. They certainly look very sleek on those davit poles.
LilCinnamon   [Sep 24, 2012 at 05:57 PM]
Yay! LED's! Lol. LED's aren't that bad. They replaced a whole bunch of HPS lights on I-70 with LED's and I gotta say the light all the LED's give out is very impressive, I love the color.
joe_347V   [Sep 24, 2012 at 07:29 PM]
Ehh, I still think the old Powerlites look better than the LED and also most LED parts are not standardized like HID and fluorescent parts which means if a LED array dies or the driver does you have to replace the fixture.
streetlight98   [Sep 24, 2012 at 10:26 PM]
PSMH and CMH give off light very similar to LED in terms of color but without the excessive glare and concentrated beam that LEDs have. Plus you can but four times as many PSMH units as LED units with the same amount of money. LED panels can be repalced on some designs like with some of the cooper designs. With the OVH or OVF i believe you need to repalce the whole group of diodes... LED technoledgy and fixtures are greatly improving and once they becomes less expensive and are marketed fairly (meaning they don't sudgest replacing a 150W HPS light with a 44W LED light) so the road is lit properly and maybe manufacturers will hear my cries and ADD A FREAKIN DROP LENS!!! That will make me like LEDs. Plus maybe make the fixtures a little more asthetically pleasing so my eyes don't throw up when i look at them lol.

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