Thanks. I had already cut 4 bolts a few days ago, but I cut both ends so that there wouldn't be any of that blue paint on them. But when I cut them with a hacksaw, it left sharp burrs on the metal. So I bought two more threaded rods and cut the ends off both last night. And threaded the cut ends into the fixture. I don't mind the blue paint on them that much.
Yeah your right Plus, it doesn't look bad either. I didn't think shiny new bolts would look good in an old fixture where everything else is rusted inside, especially with the blue paint. But it looks fine.
yeah looks great! if you wanted to, you could rub some graphite powder on the bolts and that would make them less shiney but i think it looks good how it is.
I have had a few occasions where I could not free the slipfitter bolts changing out an OV-15 so I ended up having to take the entire bracket off the pole and install a whole new one with the new fixture. We have impact guns we use too and that couldn't even free it.
Yeah I've heard of the bolts being seized so badly the threaded rods sheared off right at the nut when attepted to be loosened. those L-150s and L-250s must be nightmares since they use the same bolts at the other westies but they're flat-out exposed to the rain and everything so they must REALLY get stuck!