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Home > User galleries > Binarix128 > Homemade lights
My homemade starter indicator, second attempt
Here's my second attempt of making an indicator. Now I used a pink starter in series with a 33K 2W resistor, using an EOL halogen bulb with the same process as before.
Keywords: Lamps

My homemade starter indicator, second attempt

Here's my second attempt of making an indicator. Now I used a pink starter in series with a 33K 2W resistor, using an EOL halogen bulb with the same process as before.

20201105_140451.jpg 20201203_193533.jpg 20201127_152915.jpg 20201126_214551.jpg DSC07103.JPG
File information
Album name:Binarix128 / Homemade lights
Company and Date Manufactured:Me
Model Number:Ag02
Wattage:Around 1W
Lamp Type:Low pressure gas discharge
Filesize:507 KiB
Date added:Dec 04, 2020
Dimensions:2465 x 2465 pixels
Displayed:102 times
Light Source:Unknown: 0
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