My first desk lamp which is a LED one
Ok, here how today went. So a strong morning thunderstorm came in my area, and all of a sudden a HUGE positive lightning bolt came down, around 1500ft in front of my house, that actually killed my router. So I have no internet and TV for 5 or 6 hours, intill a technician came to install a new router. While the router was dead from that lightning bolt, I took this picture of my first desk lamp, which is a LED one. Plus, the driver ballast is remotely, which is that black retangular thing that is in front that plugs in to a outlet. Also I got this light 6 years ago at Walmart, and that was before I joined LG and GoL. Plus, I forgot the price on it since I got this 6 years ago, and it was on clearance.
Correct me if i'm wrong on this but positive lightning strikes can kill electronics if not on a surge protector, and negative ones don't, and it was one heck of a morning storm, of that lightning bolt hits around 8:23AM.