Two lamp 13 watt PL fixture.
This is a preheater, The two lamps specs are shown on the sleeves on the sides of the fixture. I found this in the salvage store near me.
I suspect that this used to be an outdoor fixture. There are two threaded holes on the sides (top and bottom of the picture) which I suspect used to be for end plates and that it had a plastic cover.
This thing is going on my fluorecent light machine!
13W US has arc voltage 65V, as it is designed to work with series choke ballast, so the efficacy is quite low (800lm/13W).
The EU counterpart design was not limited by such low arc voltage (as in EU the mains is higher), so it allow the use of higher (85V) arc voltage, yielding better efficacy (900lm/11W).
I was messed up by the US Sylvania messy datasheets (on lot of places they state 0.18A, while correct current for US 13W PL is 0.285A)
I have since attached this fixture on the fluorescent machine of mine!
800 or 900lm are, indeed, pretty bright...