The pit!
I don't know if this sort of thing has a particular name, but at work it ism known as the pit. Both the electrical and plumbering teams store stuff and works in that underground workspace. Currently only the plumbers work there since the modules are ceiling-wired, but often they're floor-wired!
You can't see them in the pic, but on the right side, there are a non-continuous row of T12 fixtures. The first one is a double lamp 4ft, the second one is a single lamp 4ft, the third one another double lamp 4ft, and the two last ones are double lamp 8 footers. All but one tube are /DXs.
Also note the red beacon close to the staircase! It's an Adwards AdaptaBeacon, coupled with an Adaptahorn mechanical horn. There's another set like this next to the door in the background. Those are used as signals to tell when modules are about to be moved on the chain, time to move stepladders and drills out of the way!