LPS-E the proper name for em is SOX-E E stands for econimy the 18W SOX-E is the only SOX-E i have seen in the US and the only difrence in the 18W range is the inclooshen of a starting cap i think, (its there for better starting on SRS gear) but the 26W-131W have a better IR coating alowing them to reduce the current even more so to atain better efficantcy they are the same sise as there Non SOX E counter parts and go like this 26W=35W 36W=55W 66W=90W 91W=135W and 131W=180W there is no 55W SOX E lamp a 26W SOX E/35W SOX is about 1ft long
No it didn't say 18W but it looks like the size of an 18W lamp. 26W LPS?